
Kunda Culture
Music & Dance

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Founded & headed by Kocassale Dioubate  & Sasha Belle Hunt, Kunda is a small family-owned & operated project, with its' home bases between two beautiful havens : the Sunshine Coast / Vancouver in B.C., Canada, and Dubreka / Conakry in Guinea, West Africa.

Kocassale is a ‘ griot’, or ‘ djeliba’, (a musician, praise-singer, story-teller, entertainer, counselor, keeper of tribal history and tradition,) of the Mandingo tribe – a role which is inherited through lineage, a tradition and culture which has been passed down through the family for hundreds, or thousands, of years. Thus the culture, music, and dance, which Kunda proudly represents, truly is family tradition & inheritance.

Kunda African Culture Music & Dance shares, and educates, with regards to the rich artistic West African culture, through interactive and educational West African percussion, music, & dance workshops, classes, performances and presentations, in schools, communities, and festivals, for both children and adult audiences and participants, as well as other public & private functions, on the Sunshine Coast, in Vancouver, throughout B.C., and beyond, including all of North America, as well as in Guinea, West Africa.

