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Rana Dholi
Musician & Singer

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Rana Dholi has lived in Surrey, BC since 2015, but his artistic journey started many years prior. In the early 1990's, before picking up an instrument, he first learned Bhangra dance from Raj Kumar Raju. Soon after, he started learning how to play Dhol from Ranvijay Kumar. He fell in love with the instrument and dedicated numerous hours to perfecting his craft. He went on to work with music director Lal Kamal and perform alongside some of Punjab's most popular singers, including Pammi Bai, Babbu Maan, Sardool Sikander, Harjit Harman, and many others. His first show was a local performance, but he would accompany these singers on tour to New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Italy, Paris, Turkey, Hungary, Philippines, and Canada. Perhaps he was inspired by the famous musicians he spent countless hours with, because he now sings himself, often while simultaneously playing the Dhol.

He describes his playing style as primarily folk and Bollywood. He has learned from many teachers throughout his life, and now looks up to and follows the world renowned Ustad Ramju Bhai.